SignMe – Sign & Scan PDF Docs

App Name: SignMe - Sign & Scan PDF Docs
Developer: 起军 康
App Category: Business
Price: Free 0
Rating: 4.54901 stars
Reviews: 51

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Use MySign to quickly fill in, sign, and send any forms and other file formats-PDF, Word, Excel, Text, Pages, JPG, PNG, etc., and you can add multiple signature handwriting and daily expressions. You can even take a photo of the paper form on your phone or tablet and fill it out. Then, electronically sign the form and send it. No need to print or fax.

• fill in. Open the file from the email. Click to enter text or check mark in the form field. Use custom auto-fill entries to fill out forms faster.

• Sign: Use your finger or stylus to easily create a signature, and then apply the signature or initials to the form.

• Send: Save the form and send it to others via email immediately.

The operation is so simple.

What can I sign for you?

• Instant operation. Fill out the form anytime, anywhere.

• Green. Send the form via email, no need to print and fax.

• Arranged in an orderly manner. Store the form in one place.

• Text Recognition (OCR): Text recognition provides accurate image text recognition technology services in a variety of scenarios, allowing your application to read pictures and improve input efficiency.

• Private address book: It is convenient to store contact information, and can associate the signature and handwriting of the person, and make the contact card function.

• TXT file: support reading function, automatically read text content;

• Documents: Support multiple file formats such as pictures, videos, GIF, Word, PDF, etc.;

• You can add remarks to the PDF file and set a password;

• Process the paper signature picture into a usable signature picture with a transparent background;

• The application supports Touch ID, Face ID, PIN Password login to make your files more secure;

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