Air Cars
Dependable ride-hailing
Whether you’re looking for style, space or affordability - Air Cars has the right service for you
- A quick hop to the station
- A punctual airport transfer
- A night out with friends
- Near or far
- Now or later
- In-app or online
… dependability is our stock in trade !
Install the Air Cars app - and book a journey straight away !
1 - Set your destination - or make an advance booking
2 - Request your choice of vehicle
3 - Follow your driver's approach on the map - and on arrival, the app will alert you with the registration, model and colour of the vehicle
4 - Share your journey with friends and family - to show your live location on the map
5 - Choose to pay automatically (register a debit/credit card in the app) - or with cash
6 - Tip and rate your driver
7 - When your journey is finished, a receipt will be sent to your email address.
Air Cars is structured to incentivise dependability from the driver and deliver reliability for the customer - in Surrey, the Southeast and beyond.
We value your feedback, which helps us improve our service -
Air Cars is a licensed private-hire operator in the borough of Runnymede, Surrey.
Sign up as a driver at -
Follow us on Twitter at
Like us on Facebook at
Questions ?
Please visit our help page at - or email us at
Policies :
Refund policy -
Community guidelines -
Terms and conditions -
All application data and information was acquired from Apple's public RSS Feeds.