Sign up to SAVE MONEY while you shop and give FREE donations to your favorite charity automatically.
Find coupons at over 10,000 stores. We do all the work, automatically applying the biggest online coupons to save you big bucks. Our members save up to 15%, sometimes even more, on their purchases.
Get free donations, selecting your favorite cause from over 1 million charities. We pay for the donations by giving away 100% of our commissions from the stores where our members shop.
Discover even greater benefits than Amazon Smile before it shut down, with deep discounts and charitable donations. Experience a new level of giving back.
Tell me more about Give Freely!
Big savings for you. The best coupons, applied automatically, at over 10,000 stores.
Pay it forward for free: Every purchase supports your favorite charity at zero extra cost to you. Choose from over 1 million worthy causes.
We give away 100% of the commissions we receive from partnered stores, directing those donations to the charity of your choice.
nstall in seconds: We’ll do the bargain-hunting for you. As you shop, we scour the internet for the best available deals and coupons, ensuring you get the maximum savings.
No credit card, no spam email, no annoying popups: All we ask for is your name, email address (which we promise never to share unless you ask us to), and favorite charity.
Empower your passion: Whether it's education, environment, health, or any cause close to your heart, Give Freely lets you support it without any extra effort or cost on your part. Let your purchases have purpose!
Download Give Freely now: Transform your online shopping into a force for good!
Imagine a world where contributing to charities is as easy as buying your favorite pair of shoes or that new computer you've been saving up for. With Give Freely, this vision is a reality. Be a part of a win-win situation where you enjoy great deals and, at the same time, create a ripple of positive change in the world.
Give Freely’s mission is to generate as many donations to non-profit organizations as possible. We do this by leveraging the commissions that online stores pay us when users buy something at a partner site, as well as occasionally placing advertisements on sites that you may visit. We strive to always make these advertisements relevant to you. An example could be when you search for the “best hotels in Boston”, an advertisement for Tripadvisor may be positioned at the top of the search results. This advertisement is relevant to your query, and generates incremental revenue necessary to help sustain Give Freely as a business, as well as generating incremental revenue that is donated to charity. Give Freely is transparent about its financials, including that the cofounder and CEO does not receive any salary, base or bonus. For more information, please see our transparency policy:
By using this app and browser extension, you agree to the Give Freely Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Terms & Conditions:
Privacy Policy:
Give Freely may get paid commissions directly from companies and/or via affiliate programs on sites visited and/or products purchased while using this browser extension. These commissions/affiliate payments become the donations that go to your selected charity.
App Screenshots
All application data and information was acquired from Apple's public RSS Feeds.