
App Name: Bilumix
Developer: Chowis Co Ltd
App Category: Health & Fitness
Price: Free 0
Rating: 3 stars
Reviews: 2

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Introduction to the PD Measurement App

The PD Measurement App utilizes your smartphone camera to effortlessly measure the distance between your eyes. This tool provides essential information for Bilumix users.

Features and Benefits

- Ease of Use: Intuitive and user-friendly interface ensures accessibility for all users.
- Precision Measurement: Utilizes the iPhone camera for accurate PD measurements.
- Record Management: Automatically stores measured PD values within the app for convenient access.
- User Convenience: Provides crucial information necessary for Bilumix services, enhancing user convenience.

App Usage Guide

1. Take a Photo: Launch the app and capture a photo of your face.
2. Measure PD: Use the photo to determine the distance between your eyes.
3. Review Results: Instantly view and record the measured PD value.

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