
App Name: Alhayy
Developer: Derwaza IT
App Category: Entertainment
Price: Free 0

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The "Neighborhood Development Company" application is a dedicated tool aiming to preserve and promote Saudi heritage and culture. It is designed to deliver a unique and authentic tourist experience in the city of Medinah. This application focuses on enhancing the user or visitor's experience of the district and highlighting its historical and civilizational aspects.

The app's main objective can be achieved through its five key features, which are designed to maximize the benefits of this technological solution:

1. Hotel Room Booking: With this feature, users can conveniently book rooms from various hotels located within the district.

2. Restaurant Reservations: The application allows users to reserve a table at restaurants that are present in the area, ensuring a guaranteed and seamless dining experience.

3. Shared Workspace Booking: A specialized booking feature offers users the option to reserve shared workspace in the district, making it ideal for business travelers seeking productivity.

4. Office Space Booking: This advanced feature allows users to book shared office spaces existing in the district, further emphasizing its comprehensive utility for professionals.

5. Other Activities: The app also enables users to book other activities provided by the district such as massage services and reservations at cafes within the neighborhood.

In conclusion, the 'Neighborhood Development Company' application serves as your ultimate guide and facilitator in experiencing the rich Saudi heritage and culture in the heart of Medinah's historical district.

تطبیق "شركة تطویر الحي" ھو تطبیق متخصص في الحفاظ على التراث والثقافة السعودیة، وتقدیم تجربة سیاحیة فریدة
وأصیلة في المدینة المنورة. یركز التطبیق على تحسین تجربة المستخدم أو الزائر للحي وإبراز الجانب الحضاري والتاریخي للمدینة المنورة.
یتم التركیز في تطبیق " الحي" على خمس فروع رئیسیة متكون منھا التطبيق لضمانة الوصول للھدف الرئیسي منه والاستفادة القصوى من الحل التقني :
1- حجز غرف فندقية من الفنادق الموجودة بمنطقة الحي
2-حجز طاولة من المطاعم الموجودة في الحي.
3-حجز مساحة عمل مشتركة الموجودة في الحي. 4-حجز مساحات عمل مشتركة من المكاتب الموجودة في الحي
5- حجز نشاطات أخرى يقدمها الحي كخدمة المساج والكافهيات الموجودة بالحي

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All application data and information was acquired from Apple's public RSS Feeds.