MBE Practice Test Prep

Your new best friend in learning an MBE Practice Test takes test preparation to a new…

Themis Bar Review

Themis Bar Review is a leader in bar exam preparation. Offering a cutting-edge curriculum backed by…

My BarTunes

My BarTunes is an easy-to-use, musical bar review study aid designed to help you pass any…


Quimbee is an all-in-one platform that provides the materials and guidance law students and legal professionals…

Study Songs

Study Songs helps law students retain information more easily than with conventional study methods. With 80…

Bar Exam & MBE: Bar Prep

Does the idea of taking the Bar Exam make your palms sweaty? Caps your enthusiasm? It…

Bar Exam Tip Of The Day

The Bar Exam Tip Of The Day app and companion podcast, are designed to get you…

Bar Exam Drills

**Revolutionize Your Bar Exam Prep with Bar Exam Drills!** Elevate your bar exam journey with our…

Bar Exam

Are you gearing up to conquer the Bar Exam and earn your place in the legal…

Bar Exam Masters

Bar Exam Mastersprovides its users with flashcards and essay study guides for the Florida Bar Exam.…