AviaPuzzle: Find Extra Items

The aviation adventure in the new puzzle game will be the perfect warm-up for your brain.…

Ball Flags

Ready to challenge your geography skills and have a blast at the same time? Introducing Ball…

Airplane Pro: Flight Simulator

Explore realistic airplanes in the most electrifying airborne flight simulator – Airplane Pro: Flight Simulator! Jump…

Football Duet Goal Game 2024

Get ready for the display of skill and teamwork at the Football Duet Goal Game 2024!…

Slap & Punch: Fighting Games

ArabicStep into the world of “Slap & Punch,” a super engaging game that mixes the simplicity…


歡迎來到《賽馬也瘋狂》,在這你可以享受到最純粹的賽馬樂趣! 慧眼識珠相好馬 這匹馬傷痕纍纍,你覺得這匹馬是久經沙場的神馬,還是跑步只會跌倒的劣種馬?相信自己的眼光,從衆多賽馬中選擇最强大的那匹! 精品培育繁衍良駒 通過不斷繁育,不斷培育出具有特殊天賦的賽馬!可以是全力一搏,賽事最後發揮全力衝刺!也可能是彎道高手,輕易超車! 終極訓練成就良馬 天賦再高也需要訓練!在訓練場你可以看到馬兒可愛的一面!被突如其來的猴子吸引注意力、想念另一半的馬…記得和馬兒互動喔! 爭奪冠軍馬到成功 多種競賽模式一定能滿足你!特殊模式【田忌賽馬】中還需要特意派上弱馬來和對方比拼!更可預測冠軍! 冒險派對躲避大賽 賽馬賽累了?沒關係,我們有各類活動!如賽馬躲避球,躲避大西瓜!更可照顧馬兒,給馬兒打馬蹄鐵! 我們的目標是–瘋狂!讓你玩的爽快,玩的開心!

CrossCraft: Custom Crosswords

Welcome to CrossCraft, where your imagination meets the classic charm of crossword puzzles! This innovative app…

Carnival Mini Games

Get ready for a carnival extravaganza featuring two action-packed games: Aero Hockey: Go head-to-head against the…

Block ASMR

Embark on a journey with spinning orbs in this simple yet addictive gaming experience. Break through…

Dark Riddle 2 – Mars

Neighbors can sometimes create problems more serious than noise at the wrong time of the day.…