Best Calendar – MagiCalEX

“MagiCalEX” is a powerful calendar app designed to provide a comprehensive overview of monthly schedules and…

BimmerFlow for BMW and MINI

BimmerFlow is your ultimate companion for monitoring the performance of your electric or hybrid BMW. BATTERY…

ARVEA Business

Designed especially for ARVEA partners, the ARVEA Business application is the revolutionary tool for efficient, optimized…


DSlate – This app is a simple and intuitive app to learn mathematical tables and practice…


The war between King Lama and Emperor Scorpio. You are tasked with assisting King Lama in…

Barley Oinouspide

You are a farmer, try to collect as much barley as you can, while avoiding the…


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Clock Alarms Manager

This is a very effective app that can wake users up from their sleep. At the…

Agronomist Verde Oasis Utility

App for farmers and agronomists to keep track of their crops. Includes: – Planting date –…