Black Audio Tool – B.A.T. is a sophisticated and versatile audio generation application, designed for audiophiles,…
Category: Utilities
Ascii Emotes
ASCII Emotes Keyboard brings back the nostalgia of using ASCII emotes in your everyday messaging! Instant…
AD Ibirubá
Tenha mais proximidade com cada membro e com a sua comunidade. Recursos que você terá nesse…
Air Tracker: Find My Devices
Air Tracker is a reliable and fast way to locate lost Bluetooth devices within seconds. Simply…
欢迎来到AI发型设计软件,能根据你的脸型匹配最适合你的发型。 智能匹配发型 您只需上传一张自己的照片,我们将通过AI技术根据您的脸型为你推荐合适的发型。您可以在随意切换不同的发型,以便更好地选择适合自己又非常喜欢的造型。 多款发型选择 有女生喜欢的披肩长发,高层次短发,羊毛卷短发,S型烫卷,波浪卷发等等,男生喜欢的寸头短发,短发背头,偏分短发,短卷发+测分等等,都将成为你的选择。 发色发型搭配 还提供了各种发色和发型配饰,让您可以完全定制属于自己的个性化发型。 不再为选择适合自己的发型而烦恼,AI发型设计APP为您提供最贴心的服务。尽情展示您的个性,让发型成为您的时尚标签。美丽从发型开始,让您的风采无限绽放! 自动续费会员】 –订阅周期:月/季/年 -订阅价格:¥18.00/月、¥28.00/季、¥38.00/年 –付款方式:当用户确认购买并付款后记入iTunes 账单 –续订:Apple iTunes账户会在当前订阅周期24小时内扣除下一次的订阅费用,扣除成功后订阅自动延长一个周期 –取消续订:如需取消自动续订,应在当前订阅到期24小时之前前往…
Welcome to JanaavarAvaaj!! your gateway to the mesmerizing world of animal and bird voices. We bring…
GEOMAR Authenticator
The GEOMAR Authenticator provides an easy and secure multi-factor authentication for your accounts. Such authentication provides…
GifSwap – Personalized GIFs
Introducing GifSwap – Transform Your Conversations! Are your chats feeling a bit stale? Want to add…
Equip the workforce with HITA, the adaptable platform that simplifies employee compliance acknowledgments and enhances learning…