Al-fissah is an esteemed Arabic language and Quran institute dedicated to teaching both children and adults who are non-Arabic speakers. The institute is proudly powered by our highly-trained, Arabic-speaking faculty who specialize in delivering our innovative teaching approach.
Our specialized program, "Arabic in the Hands of Our Children (العَرَبِيَّةُ بَيْنَ أَوْلَادِنَا)" and "Arabic in your Hands (العَرَبِيَّةُ بَيْنَ يَدَيْكَ)", was meticulously designed by expert academics specializing in non-Arabic speakers' tutoring.
The features of our learning program include:
1. Comprehensive Teaching Manuals: The "Arabic in the Hands of Our Children" comprises 12 detailed manuals, while the "Arabic in your Hands" course consists of 8 manuals. These guidebooks are subtly crafted to cover several aspects of the language in depth.
2. Multiple Learning Levels: Both courses are structured into ten progressive levels. This comprehensively tiered system is designed for learners at our school to advance through, at a pace that suits individual learning styles and capabilities.
3. Accompanied Audio Lessons: To enhance the teaching experience and support visual learning, both courses come with accompanying audio material for each lesson. This innovative feature allows learners to understand pronunciation and tone perfectly.
Join Al-fissah, and journey into the enchanting world of Arabic language and Quran learning in an engaging, effective, and learner-friendly environment.
Al-fissah est un institut de langue arabe et de Coran spécialisé dans l’enseignement des Enfants et Adultes non-arabophones, ayant à sa disposition des professeurs arabophones formés à l’enseignement.
Notre programme « L’Arabe entre les mains de nos enfants (العَرَبِيَّةُ بَيْنَ أَوْلَادِنَا) » et « L’Arabe entre tes mains (العَرَبِيَّةُ بَيْنَ يَدَيْكَ) » a été conçu par des académiciens spécialistes dans l’enseignement des non-arabophones, le premier composés de 12 manuels, et le deuxième composé 8 manuels divisés en 10 niveaux au sein de notre école, et tous deux accompagnés d’audio pour chaque leçon.
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