BASIC i-Account

App Name: BASIC i-Account
Developer: BASIC Bank Limited
App Category: Finance
Price: Free 0

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Basic Bank Limited has brought digital On boarding solution “Basic i-Account” iOS app. By using this app anyone having a Bangladeshi valid NID can open a bank account anywhere from his/her mobile/Tab/laptop at any time.

Benefits of Basic i-Account app:
- Customer can open a bank account instantly anytime, from anywhere in Bangladesh
- No need to visit the bank branch for opening an account
- Request for chequebook/Debit Card through app

- Good lighting environment while taking picture of applicant, nominee or guardian with full face visibility
- Original NID/Smart Card of the Applicant and Nominee
- Nominee photo and ID document type (NID/Passport/Birth Certificate).
- Guardian NID and photo (If Nominee is Minor)
- Scanned Copy of Applicant's e-TIN (If applicable)

You will have a very easy to use experience from the app. So download it right now and open your account today.

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All application data and information was acquired from Apple's public RSS Feeds.