Chess Puzzles Tactics Training

App Name: Chess Puzzles Tactics Training
Developer: Sajed Nahian
App Category: Games
Price: Free 0
Rating: 4.71 stars
Reviews: 100

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Chess Puzzles and Tactics. This app has puzzles and tactics for all players whether you're a beginner who just learned the rules or an advanced player. You can customize your puzzles and elo ratings to help you improve faster at your weak points.

The puzzles currently included involve:

- Advanced Checkmates
- Alekhine's Gun
- Attacking Castled King
- Back Rank
- Basic Checkmates
- Battery
- Bishop Pair
- Clearance Sacrifice
- Decoy / Deflection
- Defense
- Desperado
- Discovered Attack
- Discovered Check
- Double Check
- Doubled Rook
- En passant
- Endgame Tactics
- Exchange Sacrifice
- Fastest Checkmate
- Fianchetto
- Fork / Double Attack
- Hanging Piece
- Interference
- Knight Outpost
- Mate in 1
- Mate in 2
- Mate in 3+
- Mating Net
- Opposite Colored Bishops
- Opposition
- Overloading
- Passed Pawns
- Pawn Endgame
- Perpetual Check
- Pin
- Promotion
- Queen Sacrifice
- Remove the Defender
- Rook Endgame
- Rooks on Seventh
- Sacrifice
- Scholar's Mate
- Simple
- Simplification
- Skewer
- Smothered Mate
- Stalemate
- Trapped Piece
- Two Bishops Checkmate
- Two Rooks Checkmate
- Underpromotion
- Vulnerable King
- Windmill
- X-Ray Attack
- Zugzwang
- Zwischenzug

What are you waiting for? Download the app today!

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