Squirt the Whale & Ocean Pals

App Name: Squirt the Whale & Ocean Pals
Developer: Blue Water Apps, LLC
App Category: Games
Price: 2,99 USD
Rating: 5 stars
Reviews: 14

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Squirt the Whale books are now available in app form for a fraction of the price of the paper back versions found on Amazon and other large retailers. For the price of the app, you get "Squirt Swims with the Stars" and "Squirt's Secret Place." Both books are beautifully illustrated. Your child can read them, you can read them to your child, or at the touch of a button, your child can hear the page narrated by the author. As an added bonus, the app comes with two games your child will love. "Where's Squirt?" is a card game that challenges the memory while enjoying ocean animals and scenes. Help Squirt Find Dinner! is an action game where Squirt tries to eat plankton without getting stung by a jellyfish or bitten by a shark. Get the app now! Your child is sure to love it.

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