
App Name: 1BitPencil
Developer: HALVAL Ltd.
App Category: Graphics & Design
Price: 7,99 USD

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***Apple Pencil is required to use this app.***

Features of 1BitPencil:
It is a high-resolution binary canvas.
We take pride in our pencil tool, boasting a quality unmatched by other apps, which is also entirely binary.
1BitPencil is a high-resolution monochrome image editing app perfect for illustrators, manga artists, and note-taking.
Experience the feeling of drawing on paper with our unrivaled realistic pencil tool, all in the digital realm.
Supports up to A3 size and 2400dpi high-resolution work, saving your artwork as monochrome png files.
While lacking a layer function, it compensates with a tracing feature, allowing for basic editing such as drafting and merging.
For those seeking a high-quality yet simple work environment, 1BitPencil offers a new creative experience.

Brush Tools:
-Lasso Pencil
-Smudge(Touch operation supported)
-Kneaded Eraser
-Lasso Eraser
-Lasso Kneaded Eraser
-Selection Tools:
-Rectangle Selection

Canvas Display Operations:

Sharing Features:
-Paste from Photos
-Copy to Clipboard, Paste

Trace Box Function:
-Change drawing and background colors
-Load underdrawing
-Save merged

Other Features:
-Straight Line Snap
-Adjust the strength of hand-shake correction
-Adjust pen tilt sensitivity

File Management Features:
-Create a new folder
-Select multiple files for sequential file renaming

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