Compocity provides an indoor composting service for companies. Our gamified solution turns office food waste into a bio fertilizer and plants it at urban green spaces.
We help companies reduce their carbon footprint in a playful way. The app is where you track your impact. Just scan the code on CompoBot and see where it takes you.
The Compocity ecosystem in a gist.
We place CompoBot, the composting chef, in office communities
You give your leftovers to CompoBot who prepares high-nutrient fertilizer from it
Via the app, you can track your impact
We take the produced compost and give it to urban green spaces
We give you the tech and data – all you have to do is give your leftovers to CompoBot. Build your corporate community and have fun!
Healthy cities.
Healthy planet.
App Screenshots
All application data and information was acquired from Apple's public RSS Feeds.