Pocket Congress

App Name: Pocket Congress
Developer: Rajeev Bhatia
App Category: News
Price: Free 0
Rating: 4.72093 stars
Reviews: 43

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Nothing's stopping you from reading through the Congressional Record or watching C-SPAN all day, but Pocket Congress makes information on the actions of your representatives and Congress as a whole much more accessible and searchable.

With the app, you can:
• See recent bills in Congress
• Find your Representative using your zip code 
• See Congress members’ votes on recent bills.
• Read a brief description about them and view trends about how they vote
• Call their office, straight from the app!
• Follow bills & receive updates on their progress

You can also search for recent bills or through 30 years of historical data.
• Search by category, such as 'healthcare' or 'environmental'
• Search by bill name
• For advanced users: search by bill number and create advanced filters
For all bills, you can see their stage in the legislative process and a summary of the bill text authored by the Congressional Research Service.

Share links to specific bills and congressmembers (perfect for educating your friends or spreading the word on social media)!

“Very cool.” –Congressman Jeff Jackson

Created by Siddharth M. Bhatia, a senior at Piedmont High School.
Contact me: siddharth@pocketcongress.org

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All application data and information was acquired from Apple's public RSS Feeds.