Statistically thirty percent of all construction related violations are the result of inadequate documentation. Clerk of the Worx provides reporting tools for the Construction Superintendent required on job sites in New York City as per Chapter 33 of the 2008, 2014 and 2022 NYC IBC. With Clerk of the Worx the Construction Superintendent and Competent Person are able to create a project, add in workers based on their Site Safety Training, (SST Card), complete data entry for their orientations, daily reports, pre-sift and safety talk meetings. Subscribers will be able to create and email a pdf or print the forms locally on the job site for municipal inspectors and their job site files.
Application will be free of charge between April 1 and April 15, 2024. After April 15, 2024, an update will require in-application charges.
All application data and information was acquired from Apple's public RSS Feeds.