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The RGB and HEX hexadecimal color conversion tool supports RGB and hexadecimal color conversion. Please directly modify the RGB value on the left. The corresponding hexadecimal color value will automatically change, or modify the hexadecimal value, and RGB will also change accordingly.
About the colors of RGB and HEX formats:
The RGB color mode uses the RGB model to assign an intensity value in the range of 0~255 to the RGB component of each pixel in the image. For example: the pure red R value is 255, the G value is 0, and the B value is 0; the gray R, G and B values are equal (except 0 and 255); the white R, G and B are all 255; and the black R, G and B are all 0. RGB images use only three colors, which can make them mixed in different proportions to reproduce 16777216 colors on the screen.
Hexadecimal color representation is expressed by a 6-bit hexadecimal value starting with "#". The 6-digit numbers are divided into three groups, each group of two digits, indicating the intensity of the three colors of red, green and blue (converted from the corresponding decimal RGB color value to hexadecimal respectively).
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